G.I. Joe Classified G.I.Joe 

Unveiling the Iconic Jodie ‘Shooter’ Craig: A Nostalgic Journey into Action Figure Lore

Story by Mitchell Smith

Welcome to the Outpost. Today I’m taking a look at the new G.I. Joe Classified Shooter. This is a solid figure. I like the idea they got this character from the original concepts, but Shooter never became a character and was said to be a prank back in the day. She is a nice throwback to the original 13 and would have been cool but I believe they stopped at 13 to honor the 13 stripes on the Flag.

Any hoot I did not get my hands on the 3-3/4 inch figures so I was excited to get this as my first Shooter figure. She has a rifle and a few accessories that are nice. There are some nifty little hooks that look like they should have some tear gas cans or pepper spray so I may hit up Monkey Depot to see what I can find. She comes with 2 hair pieces and a gas mask that all look cool.

I fooled around and added a LadyJaye and Zarana hair piece and I think the different hair pieces work well on this figure. I also picture her and Low Light doing some late night stake outs. Not sure there would be a love interest there but it would seem to make sense. I would love to see her in an animated series, I think she would make a very strong character. I don’t remember if the cartoon ever focused on the Night Force but here is yet another idea to launch a new series. Over all this is a really nice figure and I’m happy to have her. Who else has this figure? Make sure to check back for our next discussion.


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